RAM is seeking “Re-Skin” Projects
We call a project where we replace the steel siding or roofing on an existing post frame/wood frame building a “re-skin” project. These are great projects for us in the late winter construction season. When the days are getting a little longer, a little warmer but the ground is still frozen is when we like to tackle these. We are aggressively pricing these projects to give you a great deal and keep our carpenters working all year long.
In previous years, typically post frame buildings were constructed with nails holding the steel exterior in place but over time the nails loosen up and can lead to a building’s roof or siding leak. When we replace the steel we will use wood grip screws that will perform better for longer than nails. If during the project we encounter a portion of your building that has rotten wood as a result of a leak we will perform the necessary repairs to ensure your building will stand tall and strong for many years to come.
We can reskin Ag buildings, arenas, barns, aircraft hangars, storage buildings, commercial buildings, etc. Reskinning buildings is a great way to enhance it and better complement your property aesthetically. Contact us today if you have a project you would like us to look at and quote!
… Even the roof of your home. If you have considered a steel roof on your home contact us for a quote.