Considering a New Building this Spring?

January and February is the time to plan and commit to your spring building project. If building a storage building, aircraft hangar, stall barn, riding arena, personal athletic building, agricultural building, or a post frame home (shouse) is on your agenda; now is the time to get the conversation started if you want your project to be on the front of our schedule this spring/summer.
After you contact us, you will work with one of our Territory Managers to help us understand your needs while we help you understand how we can build your project to meet those needs and the costs associated with each component. As a consumer you have to do your due diligence as you decide to buy in this time period and we will provide you with the information you need about our company, and the building & materials specifications.
If you plan on putting cement, electric, plumbing, heating and/or air in your building, the step of gathering quotes should be taken prior to putting your project on contract so you have a good grasp on the total building costs. Our building plans make it easy for you to bring the necessary information to the contractors you hire directly for these parts of the project if you so choose. Keep in mind RAM is happy to work with the contractors you hire or take on the responsibility of gathering the quotes and managing these components of the project for you; this is our RAM Advantage.
Once the project’s details are set and you have selected RAM to be your builder, the building permit needs to be procured. This step can be very simple (same day) for some projects, and for other projects can take days or weeks for the building officials to review the project and approve. RAM will provide the construction drawings needed for this step and we will be there to answer any questions. In some circumstances a project will require the stamps of an architect and/or engineer and this can take a varied amount of time again depending on the scope of the project.
Site preparation is a step that should be taken care of ASAP. Whether you have hired RAM to perform and/or manage the excavation, this step should be done as early as possible so that your project can move forward on our schedule should another project be delayed for any number of reasons. Weather can also impact the completion of this step as well as the timing of your project in relation to the big picture of projects on our to-do list. Keep in mind a particularly bad stretch can push our whole calendar/schedule back to allow us to keep the schedule in order.
RAM dedicates our team to making your building project come to fruition, and we hope you select us to be your builder. We take pride in the post frame construction methods used to construct these buildings and have great carpenters to make it happen.
Contact us today if you are planning a project in the next three to six months and let us show you what we can do for you!