RAM Family of Companies
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Grants Available
The Livestock Investment Grant has been funded since 2008, Funds are available to livestock producers in the state for on-farm improvements. Eligible persons would be reimbursed 10% of the first $500,000 of investment, with a minimum investment of $4,000. Expenses that have been included in this grant are the purchase of a building for the purpose of livestock production, construction and improvements to existing buildings for the purpose of livestock production, purchase of fencing, waste management, and feeding equipment. Farmers who have endured a loss caused by natural disaster may also apply for the grant. The maximum available per year is $25,000.
If you have expanded or plan on expanding your facilities, you are encouraged to apply. If you are in the midst of a farm transfer you will receive high priority for funding. This has been determined by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
Minnesota livestock producers who applied for but did not receive a grant in past years will need to reapply to be considered for the new program.
The program is open January 1st, 2020 through December 31st, 2020. More information on the Minnesota Livestock Investment Program can be found on the MDA at www.mda.state.mn.us/livestockinvestmentgrant.
RAM is here to offer you a cost effective, steadfast, & operative building solution so that you may see your business flourish. With this grant there are other options available to you. We do restoration/improvements to buildings and our Excavating division does a great job with fencing. Whatever your need may be, give us a call, we’d be happy to see if we can help.