RAM Buildings Inc. specializes in post-frame buildings. If you are interested in this type of building, you know of the...
Exciting news ~ 2015 is a great time to build your post frame building! The IRS is offering the opportunity...
[nggallery id=15 template=caption] RAM has been doing business with STRATA Corporation for 10 years. Strata has over 20 operation sites...
RAM Buildings has been working in cooperation with American Workshop to get a carpentry training program under way. We are...
[nggallery id=14] Brad Cheney is the VP of Cheney Carpet Distributors out of Minneapolis, MN and a customer of RAM...
We want to give back to you. Let RAM give you $100 per referral! If you love your building and...
The Better Business Bureau was founded in 1912. We are proud to be a part of this organization. The BBB...
[nggallery id=13] Minnesota Agriculture Commissioner Dave Frederickson announced that $1 million in grant funding is being made available to livestock...
If you are considering putting up a post frame building, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT! The savings offered...
Sunday, August 16th from 1PM-4PM JF Stables21168 Klein Dr. Detroit Lakes, MN 80’ x 208’ x 16’ Arena w/attached 20’...